The Oyo State College of Health Science and Technology Library provide a conducive and serene environment for readers to have easy access to materials for learning and research. Therefore, there are certain regulations and conditions of use which all library users are requested to adhere to while using resources in the library.
A. Regulations
1. Library ticket should be tendered at the library check points and are not transferable.
2. Please maintain an atmosphere conducive to study, by being as quiet as possible. Please turn off ringer on your cell phone and set it on vibrate mode. You may conduct cell phone conversations outside of the library entrance.
3. Absolutely no food, drink, or water bottles are permitted in the library outside the student's bag or backpack.
4. After browsing through books, DO NOT try to re-shelve them. Leave them on the tables or on the check-out desk.
5. No reservation of seats
6. There should be no group discussion. Every discussion must be done outside the library.
7. Smoking is not permitted anywhere in and around the library premises.
8. Theft and Mutilation of any library resources is a serious and great offence. It attracts heavy penalty from the management of the library and the College Governing Council.
9. All library materials should be properly borrowed and documented before taking it out of the library.
B. Conditions of Use
The library is designed primarily for the use of the students, academic and non-academic staff, researchers and Alumni. Other students who have serious research work May also have access to use the library provided they registered with the library for study and reference purpose only. Also the following conditions must be adhering to strictly before gaining access to library resources:
i. All readers are required to fill registration form and also to produce
(a) photocopy of admission letter (b) photocopy of payment clearance and (c) 2 passport photographs. Academic and non academic staff is expected to submit staff identification card as well as two passport photograph for library registration. This will lead to issuance of a library identification card. This card is valid for one academic calendar year only.
ii. After the physical registration, online-registration has been introduced with full capturing and signature at the E- library section, which will enable the users to have access to the electronic resources. The library identification number is peculiar to individual libl’ary user and this number is the password that will be use to login into the library database which has been linked into the college website.
iii. Each reader is registered with the privilege of borrowing.
iv. Readers' identification cards are not transferable and all borrowing and I’enewals must be made in person. Library identification card must be carried to the library and produced upon demand in the library.
Any accepted donation (including books, journals, computers, fl’ee subscriptions, or any other material) will become the property of the College and will be incorporated into the Library collection, or be subject to disposal. The Library may determine to withdraw, recycle, or reject any portion of a donation according to collection development needs as determined by the college librarian.
Shift towards e-resources: Because of the conveniences like multi user access and anywhere, anytime access, there is a considerable demand for online databases, e- journals and e- books. These E-resources can also be accessed outside the campus, as long as the user is a registered member of the library and has been given library identification number and special permission hence; emphasis may be given towards the use of e-resources.