Oyo State College of Health Science and Technology Library started its operation and services upon the establishment of the College formerly known as 'School of Hygiene' on 1st April, 1933 in a room located within the school premises. From its establishment, a non-librarian has always been in charge of the library administration. In year 2015 after the elevation of the school to an higher institution of learning, the College Library was placed under the administration and supervision of a qualified and experienced academic college librarian. Despite not having supporting full time library professional staff, the librarian managed to revamp the library administration and services, starting with the mechanical and technical processing of collection (which fortunately at the time was still small with few reference collection, very small numbers of non-fiction books, outdated classical fiction books and little textbooks for few departments).

The librarian adopted the use of Dewey Decimal Classification System and Anglo American Cataloguing Rules Part 2 (AACR2) to support the immediate repositioning of the College library to meet universal requirement of any academic libraries all over the globe. Book processing, Accessioning, cataloguing and classification of books were done on regular basis with the support of professional and other staff who were later appointed by the management to boost efficient running of the library operations. For the first time a proper public card catalogue with author, title subject and added entries were provided for library users, in addition, based on the librarian's proposal and full support of the College Management, the amount allocated for the purchase of library books and other reading materials were increased and periodical subscriptions were approved, a development much appreciated by teaching and non-teaching staff of the college.

The college library is an integral part of the institution with the mandate of providing effective information services through books, journals, reports, orthography, research projects, and electronic based materials through virtual library services etc. in support of its teaching and learning process. Pursuant to the actualization of this responsibility, the college library maintains a main and mini library at Ibadan and Okeho satellite campus which offers circulation and non-circulation method of providing services to the entire College communities.

Over the years, the collections of the library have grown and is still growing to the extent that new collections are being acquired on regular basis while obsolete books were weeded out from time to time in accordance with the library weeding out policy. As of today, the library has over 10,000 collections both in print and non-print format excluding electronic resources. As part of the global shift from hard copy information in print to electronic based information, the library subscribed to various online library databases including subscription to research 4 life professional research data base and similarly adopted the use of Calibre library management software and new Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) for smooth online operation. Research 4life and other various electronics databases such as Free Press etc. containing journals, monographs, Newspapers and reports.