A. Circulation policies and services
1. Availability of Collection: The Library holds a collection of more than 5,000 books and print journals as well as e- books and electronic journals through the use of Calibre Software.
2. Limits of Availability: While the majority of these resources are available for check out, included in the library resources are some items that are not to be removed from the library premises, such as: the reference collection, periodical collection and rare books.
3. Borrowing Material: Students may check out any item not limited by library policy from the shelves after consulting the card catalogues.
4. Due Dates and Late Fees:
Overdue notices are issued as a courtesy to all library users. However’, non-I’eceipt of an overdue notice does not exempt a borrower from applicable fines or billing.
5. Returning Material: Materials may be returned to the Circulation Desk and given personally to any library staff on duty.
6. Overdue, Lost or Damaged Materials: Students are responsible for returning or renewing items by their due date. Students are to make replacement when materials are damaged beyond repair, when materials are declared lost by the borrower, or when materials are presumed by the library to be lost. An item is presumed "lost" if it is more than 30 days overdue. For each lost or damaged item, the borrower will be billed for the replacement cost of the item, and a N1000 processing fee. All library borrowers will be assessed a fee for repair of damaged materials they have borrowed out.
7. Fines and overdue notices: The library usually issues notices to students regarding fines and overdue fees. However, these notices are sent as a courtesy and should not be considered a right of the student nor an excuse for non-payment or late returns.
B. Reference Service
Library store all important reference sources like Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries, handbooks and Manuals, Statistics, Yeal’books etc.. The collection ranges from general to subject specific sources. All the reference sources are placed on the shelf in the Reference section. Users can also contact staff on duty for any assistance. Library also has access to online reference sources which may be accessed ITOm the library website. Reference books are those books intended by the library to be used only within the library. They cannot be borrowed out for any reason. All reference books are to be checked out at the circulation desk even though they are used only in the library. All reference books must be returned to the circulation desk.
C. Copier Services
Photocopies: The library provides self-serve photocopying for N5 naira per page.